Monday, April 09, 2007

just a little nervous...

Hey guys.

I don't have much time, but I need to...type, I guess. I'd rather talk, but I'm limited to myself and this mac in front of me.

My pre-recital jury is in a couple of hours. My stomach is in knots. I'm more worried about this pre-recital than I am the actual recital. This is where the "panel" (including all of the important people, we'll say) decides whether I can cut it on a recital or not. I've talked to others who have done this already, and apparently it is common to screw up in these and still get passed. I don't want to screw up though! I have done nothing but practice all weekend. I did absolutely no homework, and I definietly should have considering we are leaving for band tour and the end of the week! There is no way I could of concentrated anyway. I've done nothing but play this weekend. I sound solid for the most part. The only thing I am insanely worried about is getting off with the piano. Ugh.

This will all be over come lunch time. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. As if YOU care. Who is you anyway?

Wish me luck.

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