Wednesday, January 24, 2007

School is well under way...

...and I'm not behind yet!

There's going to be quite a bit of homework this semester I believe. I've had so many pages of reading to do already that I'm feeling every so slightly overwhelmed. I have to write a 20 page music history paper before the end of the semester. I have string, piano, and trombone lessons. I quit jazz band 'cause I'm working like crazy and I don't have any time to myself...that was pretty much the only thing that could go. That and I have to work nights since I'm an official "night manager." Woot.

Everything is so great. Even school. I guess I just had to be patient and get things worked out...which I finally did. Chris and I are still going strong, taking it one day at a time. We talk about a future but we don't obsess over it (because I'm not a psycho witch!), and for that reason I think we've got a bond that no one's gonna break. It's a great feeling. Wyatt is about to be one, and he's doing great. Sitting up on his own, his little teeth are growing in, he coos and laughs all the time...he's adorable. It's almost like he knows what happened and he's grateful to be alive...

It's almost time for recital seminar...then work. Then homework. Then bed. Story of my life. At least I have my baby by my side...isn't that a song?

Until next time...

School is well under way...

...and I'm not behind yet!

There's going to be quite a bit of homework this semester I believe. I've had so many pages of reading to do already that I'm feeling every so slightly overwhelmed. I have to write a 20 page music history paper before the end of the semester. I have string, piano, and trombone lessons. I quit jazz band 'cause I'm working like crazy and I don't have any time to myself...that was pretty much the only thing that could go. That and I have to work nights since I'm an official "night manager." Woot.

Everything is so great. Even school. I guess I just had to be patient and get things worked out...which I finally did. Chris and I are still going strong, taking it one day at a time. We talk about a future but we don't obsess over it (because I'm not a psycho witch!), and for that reason I think we've got a bond that no one's gonna break. It's a great feeling. Wyatt is about to be one, and he's doing great. Sitting up on his own, his little teeth are growing in, he coos and laughs all the time...he's adorable. It's almost like he knows what happened and he's grateful to be alive...

It's almost time for recital seminar...then work. Then homework. Then bed. Story of my life. At least I have my baby by my side...isn't that a song?

Until next time...