Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Don't have much time...

I just had a moment between band and music history, so I thought I would write in this thing.

I will officially be able to student teach and be done with all of my classes in a little over 2 months. I'm scared. Real world, here I come. Right now, I do not have much time to myself. It tends to get frustrating, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel, so I know I am going to make it.

Chris and I are still great. Go figure. Sure, we have our "tiffs," some more hardcore than others, but we don't just bitch. We figure out a solution and move on from there instead of being whiny babies about it. That is what ruins a relationship. Both sides have to be willing to's all about sacrifice and I sure have learned that over the past year or so. Have we really been together for almost a year? Geez....

I'm almost a teacher. Did I mention that? It's just a bit scary.

Anyone seen a crazy chocolate lab?

I get to babysit Wyatt on Monday! If you haven't seen him, you should come to my house at 9am Monday morning. The cutest almost one year old will be hanging out with me.

It's almost Spring Break.

I'm out...I'm babbling. Peace.

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