Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Howdy, faithful readers.

Not much to update on...Chris and I are still great, I finished my Teaching Students With Special Needs class with a fat A, and Quizno's is going great. It's so nice to get out of work before 11pm. Before 10pm, even.

Summer band starts in less than 2 weeks. Un-freakin-believable. I mean, summer is gone. Just like that. So here starts my last full year of college...that's great news. This is going to be a really freakin' hard year. Allow me to explain:


9:00am--Orchestration and Arranging with Dr. Reid (Monday and Wednesday only)
10:00am--Marching Band Techniques and Wind Literature with Ms. Steele (Monday and Wednesday only)
11:00am--Chap-hell (Chris is making me go with him...dammit)
11:55am--Marching Band
1:00pm--Music History I with Dr. Straughn (uh oh)
2:00pm--Concepts of Flute and Double Reeds with Mrs. Straughn and Dr. Ward (Monday and Wednesday only)
3:00pm--if I had to guess, this would be my lesson time. I'm not sure which day, though.
4:00pm--Recital Seminar

9:30am--Beginning Conducting with Dr. Ward
11:00am--frikin' Chap-hell
11:55am--Marching Band
2:00pm--Concepts of Jazz and Improvisation with Mr. Bush
5:00pm--Jazz Band

That's why. Next semester is even worse, but we won't get into that.

Alright. I'm going to go find my boyfriend and watch Days of Our Lives...